Today ups and downs!
Today was stressful. I must say my land is level in the back yard. I was told they would hydroseed it so I would have grass faster. I was also told my lawn would look better than it ever did. Funny I was told today all they did was push a seeder around. They didn't hydroseed. Also if I don't go out and water it everyday I won't have grass for next year. I almost lost my mind oh wait I can't lose something that I lost 3 years ago! Well lets just say why the hell do I have to take 3 hours of everyday to water my lawn to get grass. I never had to water my lawn before! Now I have to buy a longer hose cause my lot I have to water is half an acre of the mess they cause. I also have to buy a new nozzle cause it's not made for watering a whole yard at once. It seems since these guys started it's cost me alot of money and they still don't have the septic done.
Also the soil isn't draining so I know they will have to take apart the mess they started and start over for the second time. So my driveway will be destroy more if not all of it. I'm really very angry and need a break from all of this hopefully I get to get away for a few days soon! They also came in Melanie's room didn't put anything back and I had to clean the freaken mess they made in her room.
Well I need to stop there was more but I'm just to angry to go on I have to go relax. Marc left for work so the house is quite.
Anywho if you really get upset just kick everyone out of the house for the night cry, scream,yell,freak out. You'll feel better once you get it out. But please remember to shut your windows cause you don't want your neighbours calling 911. They might tell them there's a crazy lady that's needs locking up next to them. Hey wait maybe let them at least no one will bug yah there!! lol
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Thanks for the great comments. You sure made my day thanks!!
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