Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The wonderful world of blogs!

I had a blast for a little while tonight. I took sometime out to go read other peoples blogs. I loved every minute of it. It showed me that there are many people out there that love and care about this world as much as I do. They hurt and love as much as I do. They don't hate as much as other seem to think. These people are so full of compassion. Many of these people are from all over this globe. They are the glue that keeps this world together. It gave me a fresh out look on life. My life is so full of stress that I forgot that there is a whole world out there to explore. I guess I've become stuck. I know it will take some time to get out of this racket I've been in. But I know now I'm not alone. I'm not the only one that's confused, hurt, lonely, scared, amazed, loved or loving someone, angry, stressed, and helpless, unsure and many more feeling. I could go on for days with feeling, but let's not go there cause your going to be totally bored! lol

But what I found out with people leaving me happy comments it brightens my day. A few kind words sure do bright my days and others. It's nice to know that your important enough for someone to take time out of their busy life to leave a comment! Even funny and Cute ones like the ones Melanie, Line and Vicki leave me. It makes my day. I hope the ones I leave behind on others site make a different to someone else. If we can leave someone a little piece of happiness I'm sure it will be pass on to other like a chain reaction. Hopefully it cheers people up on the way. This world is a dark place most of the time. I know a few kind or funny words make me smile and pushes me to carry on. So if your out reading someone's blog or taking to time to check things out why not take a few minutes to leave your mark by telling someone how much they've brighten your day without even trying to. I know I will but the choose is up to you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. That a choose you must make on your own. But I know I'm letting other know!

Need a wonderful uplift go and check out the wonderful world of blogging. Go and see for yourself that your not alone in your way of thinking, That your just as important as the next person!
While your there leave your mark in a good way. Cause I know your kindness will come back to you 10 fold! By a smile it can be so healing to someone sick or scared. A little caring goes a long way!

1 comment:

Katy said...

I know you made my day! Thanks so much for the comment. Hehe. :D I'll definitely be checking up on your blog from now on. I love finding nice new people. Woo! (Canadian too! Yess! :P)