One day she'll get her's!
Well let me tell you I've been busy and stressed out to the max. But tonight took the cake! My daughter and her ex boyfriend relationship was one rocky ride that I wasn't so lucky to be on. But thank god it's over. She was so unhappy and yes she did something she shouldn't of. But she made them she has to live with them. He is also taking advantage of people listening and telling everyone other things that I know didn't happen to make himself look even better!. Let just say this is coming from a 22 year old that when mad and freaking out on my daughter I told him to leave my home. He stood in my face and called me the c word if your a woman you know what that is!! Also he also told me to go fu!@ myself I don't know how many times. He had challenged me way to many times. The last time was his last in my home. It's been over a month and the shit is still hitting the fan but this time he got my daughter father's bitch involved!! So let's call her Bitch from now on! That name makes me happy!!
I guess she and my ex were drinking and she decided to IM my daughter's ex and started asking question. Of course my daughter's ex loves anyone ones who listen and proceeds to tell the bitch his side of the story some things true other things not. Well she had nerve to IM my daughter and started to freak out on her about certain things! First of all she should of took her side. But no she took his.
My daughter called me down to read bitches comment Then I told my daughter to call her father and tell him to get his bitch in control or I was going to do something I should of did years ago. Let's just say in no certain terms that she is so lucky I moved 22 hours away or I would of been at their doorstep in no time. For the last few month she's been talking trash to my daughter. When I spoke to my ex last week I told him when he's not there she really let's our daughter have it in her skanky way. He said she wouldn't do that. This pissed me off more than you could know.
Then I told him his daughter has all the IM filed so we can send them to him or I could read them to him!! Then once it sunk in I wasn't kidding he said ooh I didn't know and he was going to have to talk to her. I told him he better cause she has no right telling my daughter when it comes to her dad she basically last in line. I told him that his bitch made sure to tell his daughter that she had total control over him and she is number one in his life and no one else. Let's just say she's been slowly cause a large gap in my daughter's and her father's life.
Let me tell yah a little story about the Bitch and how I know her. You see about 15 years ago when I was with my daughter's dad. Bitch and her boyfriend and her kids would hang out with us. We would go camping and hang out at our house. Well bitch at the beginning when I met her I didn't like her at all. But my ex told me give her a chance. Well I did cause I wanted to make him happy. What a freaken mistake. She would call and whine about how she was a victim cause she didn't have anyone who would stick up for her ect. Me being me said if she needed someone to stick up for her I will. She thanks me and was happy that I would be there for her. What a dumb freaken mistake!
She would always call to see if her boyfriend was at our house. I would tell her even if he said he wasn't there. But she'd show up and this started to cause problems for me. So after awhile when she called I would just say he wasn't there.
As you can see it was a big drink feast when they were around. My ex's and her are still like this, I drank but most of the time I wouldn't cause of my daughter was around or her kids.
So any ways this one night her boyfriend, bitch and I were sitting at my place talking about stuff. My ex was passed out in bed. Her boyfriend started to talk about women and abuse ect. Her boyfriend got up to go to the bathroom and she whispers "See I told you he treats me like shit. I told her don't worry I won't let anything happen. She was reliefed and thank me for sticking up for her. Then he came back then it started . He said something to her and she defended herself and he lifted his hand like he was going to hit her. I told him to leave my house if he was going to hit her. Well he said if I didn't shut up he'd slap me.
Well this night I had a few beer in me. So the fight was on. I told bitch that she could stay here with us that she didn't need his abuse. That she wasn't alone like she thought. I threw his stuff outside cause he wouldn't leave. He yelled at her to get the kids. I told her he can't hurt her she was safe here. What does the bitch do look's at me like she pissed at me like I'm losing my mind how could I do this. Wakes her kids up. Doesn't even talk to me. Now remember she's been drinking herself. She rushed the kids out the door still looking at me like she ready to kill me. He still wouldn't get out of my house I slammed the door on her boyfriend's fingers. By this time I'm really pissed off. I tried to help her out and she treats me like this.
But the worst of it my ex woke up as they were leaving. And bitches boyfriend yelled something as he was trying to get unstuck out of a freaken snow bank. My ex heard this and went crazy shoving me and hitting me cause he heard his friend say I was crazy ect. So he went crazy let's just say I ended up having a scar on my eye. Also he was charged for what he did to me. Yippee for that one! A week later I went to my daughter Xmas concert wearing sun glasses! Let's just say I will never forgive those two for that one!!!! A few months go by and her boyfriend said he was sorry but really never forgave him. I did take my ex's back for a while thinking that thing would change but you know the story of that life. Nothing get's better. So I just didn't want it anymore so I packed his bag and we stayed friendly to a point.
But do you think she ever called to see how I was when she found out what happened to me. She never said she was sorry ect. She has said to my daughter in the last 6 months that she was never a friend of mine. She doesn't know where I'm getting this from. Duh my daughter also remembers this time. But she probably chalks this up to being a drunk I guess but drunks do remember what has happen in their lives so she can't use this one! ( If I truly think about it I wasn't a friend she freaken right! Cause I wouldn't allow a friend to do this to me now!) Also she think she broke my ex's and I up. She didn't break us up. What the hell is she talking about first of all my ex's abuse and drinking caused this. It seems like she taking credit for it. Well if she wants it she can have cause I don't live that life anymore. I'm thankful for that. She may of not hit me or cause my scar on my eye ect. But she is the one that cause the whole thing and walks away like nothing happens. Let just say she not getting away with the shit she's pulling between my daughter and her father. She will not break them up! It's bad enough my ex's has done enough to hurt my daughter in the past. I'm not going to allow this bitch to do more damage. My daughter deserves to have a father I've been fighting for this for her for years. When she was younger she'd would rather not bother with him most of the time cause he would drink to much and says things he shouldn't. But now that's she older she's really been trying but this bitch is putting a wedge in it. Not going to let this one happen.
My ex got what he deserved for what he did to me. But bitch didn't get what she deserves yet.
I paid the price for protecting someone. This bitch plays on peoples softened hearts. Once she pulls you in she makes you look like the bitch. Then I guess about 4 years ago she started hanging out with my ex's brother cause her man left her or she left him don't really care. Cause she loves to drink to. So she made her way into my ex's life. But you know what he deserves what he gets. But he says he's in control NOT. He told me last week he getting married next July hmmmmmmmm. Funny he told me she picked the date. Maybe I'll show up and ruin the bitch's day!! She is going to get what she deserves but the funny thing is I know I won't have to do it. It will all come out in the wash as they say. People will see what she's about. And if they don't well they deserve what they get when they get stuck in the bitch's whoa as me web!
Anywho this was away to long for all of you I'm truly sorry but it feels good. I truly needed to vent. So if you have someone that is like this let me know I will help you out with them. But only if your honest and will help. Cause I have a lot of anger that's been pushed back with a homemade dam. It want it to flow out and I know the time has come to let it free. So watch out world here come the tidal wave! Just joking I'd rather sit back and watch all the fireworks! I love fireworks they are so pretty. I know there will be many so you are all invited to the show free of charge! See somethings in life are free!!
Man, what a skanazoid she is eh? lol... She'll get what's coming to her someday. I just hope that day comes soon.
Thanks for always sticking up for me mommy bear.
I wuv you
It's true 'what goes aroung comes around' eventually. And as kids get older they really do see their parents for what they are, some take longer than others but they do eventually see it. We had that in our family (my middle daughter, step). I wish your daughter luck with her journey through life with her father and his bitch.
It was good for you to vent. You have a right to be angry. The problem is taht if you feed your anger it will hurt only you. Anger tears at us, causes high blood pressure. It causes joints to hurt. It is not good for us. We might have the right but do we really want to cause ourselves pain? There is a great blog on this at
The reason God calls on us to forgive is not for the sake of the person we forgive but for our own sake.
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