Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I had a wonderful time!

Yesterday afternoon to about 9 pm my daughter and I spent some mom and daughter time. These days we've been really having a hard time with life in general and I was starting to get really worried about her. So I decide around 2 in the afternoom I'm taking my girl out for dinner. So when she called from school to ask my BF if she could still pick her up at the regular time. I told her we were going to go out just her and I. She seemed really happy about it. She doesn't know but she will now I shedded a few tear of joy. It was really sweet cause I haven't hear my daughter excited to be hanging out with just her old mom in a while! hum, I'm starting the think it is my mothering that causing that but oh well I can't turn off my mom mode it has been 20 years! My mom radar is always on
I think this really bothers her. But it's not my fault that it runs 24/7. It will always keep running until my motor runs out! Hopefully not for decades and decades!

It was a relief for me to get out to. I needed to relax and feel alive for once. My hubby was home and he was keeping to himself. And let me tell yah it sure gets old playing this game. So I did something I never did before since I got married. I didn't even let him know I was going out. You see he left to go to his job for a few hours to fill out paper work. And while he was gone. My BF and her little guy drove us to the restaurant. It was nice because she got to spend some mommy time with her son at home while we were out.

So daughter and I had a great talk some things she didn't want to talk about but had to talk about cause it was a mom needs to know basic. She threaten to yell and scream and run around the restaurant if she talked about certain things. But she knows better than that I may of turn bright red but she'll look like the dumass not me. So it's alot easier just answer my question of why's and move on to other good stuff that's going on in her life. So let just say she didn't look like an ass anytime during our dinner. It was cool cause she let me have a full blown bitchfest about things going on in my life she was a trooper and just listened away. We also went had a few drink and played on the poker machines to. I won some cash. Then with my winnings went to good old Walmart to shop. Bought her a few things that put a smile on her face. A smile I haven't seen in awhile. Then came home. This was a refreshing change than the stress that's been going round and round in my life.

Anywho the recipe to a good time, gather up the one you love. Toss in some great food, Throw around some great conversation. Mix in a drink or two (Alcohol or nonAlcohol it's whatever tickles your fancy). Leap into some sorta fun. Spice it all up with some whole hearted laughter.
Then when tired head home to a better outlook on life for at least the car ride home! As you enter the war zone just smile the troops will wonder what you've been up to. This is when the fun begins! But you see your so relax from your mid evening fun. You walk straight through the war zone to your computer and write away. Then you'll notice the war come to a halt for another evening! Well it worked for me for once!


ramblings said...

I really like that idea. It sounds good, and just like something everybody needs from time to time.

Ol' Lady said...

nice to see that you and your daughter had a good time :)

tiara said...

That sounds like a great idea! I've been promising my daughter a mommy and her only day. We're going to do girly things-go get our nails done, maybe get massages. We're looking forward to it!

Cherlee's said...

Ramblings- Your right!
Ol' Lady- Thanks I had a great time. Can't wait for the next time!
Titania- I'm so happy for you and your daughter let me know how it went! I know you both will treasure it. Today my daughter thanks me again. It made me feel wonderful!