The things that I do!
Well I sort of sign myself up for something I know I won't be able to finish in the first place. I sign myself up to The National Novel Writing Month. I really think sometime I like being stressed. I sometimes have this habit of not reading all the fine print. I go down to the area I find the most interesting and just plunge full force into whatever I'm going to try. I have this attitude sometimes either sink or swim. My god I need to get a new hobby!
I finally took the time to read it a day later I know your thinking what's wrong with her. Let me tell yah I'm always wondering this about myself !! Sometime this thought comsume my whole being (just kidding …maybe not) lol
Every November they have this contest about writing a novel that has 50,000 word in it. I thought no problem I have a story that I've been trying to write for a long time. I had already started it so why not finish it right?!
Get this the contest start November 1st and ends November 30th. I sign up on November 14. I thought I could do this I already been writing my story so why not enter it. So I put up what I have so far on the 14th. Not thinking or reading what I'm suppose to be doing. I just figured I'm doing great I have a lot of time to get this done. Well I thought I had done a lot of work on my Novel until I notice that it need to be counted for them to register it in their website.. So I think I'm doing great so I go searching on google for a great word counter online put my novel in it.
And wait for the count all the while I'm feeling cool and calm thinking I have a lot of this Novel done. Here the count comes drum roll please ............ 2093! What the F@#$! I was just overcome with the ultimate wave of shock. How could this happen I felt like I was writing for days. Is this what Stephen King , Anne Rule and all the others feel like! But the characters count was some thing like 12,000 they don't count that at all. I just sat there thinking what am I going to do this thing ends at the end of November.
So I go make supper tell my brother about it. He and his girlfriend get a great giggle out of it all. Why not right I deserve it thinking I was just so sly. So once supper was over I go and start writing my heart out. I wrote for hours I started to get a headache so I go to the counter once again. This time I feel like this is going to be much better than the last time. I'm starting to feel confident once again. Put my words in the counter. This time it's taking longer so I decide to make a tea and come back. Still wasn't done so I thought wow this is going to be good cause it didn't take this long the last time. I go and let the dogs out and wait for them to come in.
Once their in I get them all work up about my word count so the three of us run down the hall to my bedroom and open up the window for the counter and guess what it’s only at 4580 and over 17,000 characters.
This time I'm just shocked how could this be. I worked for hours none stop. I wrote and wrote. So I decide to cut and paste all of it again and waited and waited again. OMG The numbers didn't move. I thought why didn't I just take everything I've written here since I started in Feb and put them as my novel!
I'm sure it would at least come to about 6000 words ! lol
So I sat there thinking I'm not going to do anymore I won't make it anyways. Then I realize that I allow everything and everyone to stop me from doing what I want to achieve for myself. So I thought why not just keep writing it and see how many words I can write till the end of November. Then I may want to finish it finally. But me being me is here writing and whining about not having enough words for my novel and I wrote all these words without even thinking about how many I wrote. See like I said before the things that I do!!
Anyho, You want to know the best way to waste time I could give you a lot of tricks on that one. I perfected the best way. Or maybe I’ll write about that. Wonder if there is a word limit on that too.............
Word Count of this entry ………848.…………..characters….4243
(see I could of used all these words. Will I ever learn!! Lol the count is even with these words sad isn‘t it.)
Oh dear, you better get cracking!!
it is interesting of what we do to amuse ourselves
Hey, I've had some experience in this area. Writing isn't easy. People think it's just putting words on paper, (or here), but it's not. It has to be interesting, and able to catch a publishers eyes, interests, whatever.
And the sad thing is, is that the writer is usually the worst critic. I know i am.
Keep going, you'll get it, and it'll be great.
Keep going you'll get there in the end and think of the job satisfaction when you've finished!
Youre going to do fine, don't think of it as work just let it all out Cherlee!
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