Sunday, November 05, 2006

What the hell was I thinking?

Yesterday I sent my husband off to work for the week. Once he left I was bored so I called up my bro asked what he was up to not much he said so I told him I wanted to do something later on was he up to going to town for awhile. Sure he said. So I got bored early so I hobbled over to my parents place to see what was going on there. As always everyone was all over the place doing this and that. Finally things settled down and we all sat around talking or bullshiting as they say! lol I kept asking my bro was he ready to leave as always he was all over the place not sure what he was doing . So by early evening my ingrown toe was killing. I have this ingrown on my right big toe this has been a freaking pain in my toe off and on for the last 2 years. I already had half the nail removed hoping that it will get better it grew back and guess what it hurt just the same. I've tried everything in this freaking world to make it better so I wouldn't have to have the nail removed.

Anyway on to my story about my exciting Saturday night. Finally my brother was ready to go this was about 9:00 PM. I thought great I need to move rigamortis was setting in from sitting around to long. So we get into his van and by this time my ugly toe was purple and two size larger than it should be. My right shoe was really tight due to the swollen toe from hell! I had it will the pain too. So I looked over at my bro and said "Could you take me to the hospital please?". My brother is really easy going so he said yes not sure why but to him whatever makes me happy. Then I said " I can't take this anymore I think I want to nail removed. He whinced like it was him and off we went.

We got there at 9:15 I go in register. Get called in the for my vitals and yes my heart was still ticking I figure that was a good sign. My blood pressure was really high and realize oops I forgot to take my meds. But I knew I would live cause I was at the right place if I was going to have an heartache right! So I go out into the waiting room and was my brother was amazed at how this new hospital looked and how fast it was to even get my vitals done. As I sat there talking to him for about 8 min I got called into the room the procedure room. I was really lucky my doc was on call thank goodness for small miracles.

But I sorta didn't like what he said! So we are taking it the whole nail off right?!
Well I was there to get this to stop hurting so I said yes! Little did I know right?! He also had a paramedic in training so I was the first person that they had to freeze so I was his entertainment for a little while. It took 7 needles of freezing to finally get it frozen I laid there staring at the white ceiling. My doc kept asking if I was ok the nurse said she still smiling away like when she came in. My doc said she always smiling. Even when she upset she's a trooper. Yah I'm thinking a dumb trooper. Who in there right mind would want to be in pain on a Saturday night. I should be out playing the poker machines or something!! But it did calm me down a bit, cause at this point I was getting freaked out because doc was describing what he was doing and talking about the blood and ect for the trainee sake. Then he asked if the trainee was ok. He said he saw this done once a year ago. But there is one part he didn't like. As he was saying that's the part I hate. I hear his chair move as he jumped up. I'm thinking WTF is going on.

As I was thinking this he said "The blood flew but it wasn't as bad as I thought! OMG I was ready to take a freaking leap off that table and go home. As I was thinking how the hell am I going to get out of here. Doc said " Okay Cher your done. How yah feeling? Omg I was never so glad to hear those words. Well I thought they had wrapped my toe up. But as I sat up. All I saw was a freaking bloody mess. Then I saw my ugly toe without the nail all red and bleeding all over the place. Ewwwwwwwwwwww let me tell yah I was grossed out. The worst of it was the nurse had gloves on and they were to slippery and I had to move my toe around so we could wrap it up. The mess of it all was awful. As I hobbled to the van my brother looked shocked. He couldn't believe it was only 10:00pm. I said this is crazy I must be mad to do this who in there right mind would go out on a Saturday night and get there own toe nail removed from their body?! Well as you can figure it out he drove me home and I went to bed waiting for the freezing to come out. And as you guessed it. It did 2 hours later and man I wasn't really in a good mood. But I keep telling myself soon it will feel better. Yes it will feel better soon yah that's right!! Keep telling myself this!! Here it is Sunday night and I'm still chanting those words. I'm hoping for the best!! I know it will end soon I really do hope! lol

So today I went with my brother to get hay for my septic and spent the day at my parents ect so now I really sore! I thought I'd tell yah about my adventure about my toe cause hey if your bored on a Saturday night why not go get your toe nail removed. Your not going to bored for long. If your having a bad time in your life. The pain overrules that and you forget your problems and just worry about the pain!! But I will chalk this up to one thing. On Thursday the 9th I will be 42 years old. On my 40th I had my nose pierced.
Last year I had another tattoo done. And I was wondering what I was going to do this year that was different and now I don't have to worry about it. Instead of getting a hole put in or having a picture scratch on my back I had a nail removed from my body so I think this counts a something different!!

But anywho what the hell was I thinking?! I'm still wondering. So you need some fun on a Saturday night meet me at the nearest hospital. I'm sure you'll see me getting my brain fixed because sometimes I'm not sure what the hell I was thinking or doing!!!



Ol' Lady said...

dam girl that sucks :( remind me not to play with you on weekends you pick yucky things to do. hope you feel better soon.

Cherlee's said...

Thanks I will be ok in a few days I'm sure. You don't have to worry about me doing this again on a weekend or a weekday I'd rather live with it than this!!!!

tiara said...

I can certainly think of many things I would MUCH rather do on a Saturday night than getting toenails removed. UGH! Hope its feeling better now!!

B.R.L said...

That was a horrible Saturday night, but I must say they took care of you quickly. Pick something better to do next birthday.