Friday, January 05, 2007

The funs over?

Well for the last 4 days it's been a rollercoaster ride of emotions once again. Whoa and it's only the first week of the New Year! But I totally expected it. My life wouldn't be normal if the throws of the extreme wasn't coming my way.

But for some reason I'm much calmer than I was a few months ago. For one my old pup Newton who is 11 years old can't lift his head up without screeching in pain. He's been doing this off and on for the last week . He looks so sad right now but he still wags his tail as I speak to him. It breaks my heart he's getting so old and as Mel would say stinkier. But we love him just the same. We think what might of happened is he has tags on his collar and as he's gotten older he's become obsessed with licking them. So Mel took off his collar and two days later he's fine again.

So she decided to put it back on yesterday and bam he's licking the tags again twisting his head downwards to get the ones underneath the collar it self. So we take it off after a few hours of wearing it. Then this morning I hear him whimpering and I check him and he can't lift his head again. So we are at square one again. So we think from him twisting and turning his head to lick these gawd awful tags he's pulling a musle. We are crossing our fingers and toes hoping that's all it is! But if he's not better tomorrow off to the vet!

Also in todays news the contractor came over here so I could sign the contract so he could get paid for septic job. I sign it but I had a made up a contract for him to sign that he and I agreed on. To come back before the end of July 2007 to repair my yard. Because of the mess they made of my yard. He signed it and couldn't believe how awful my yard look beacause his boys didn't clean up my yard before all the rain and bad weather showed up. The wall to the septic field is coming down into my driveway so when it snows but mostly rain it floods my driveway then it gets cold out and poof it's a flipping skating rink. One that isn't very nice to skate on or look at.

Also in the middle of the septic bed it's sinking in!! He was kinda freaking about this. Guess what??????? You not going to believe this one I just laughed and said oh well I was just about to say are you going to repair that? When he said I'm going to fix that for you also when the warmer weather come and dries up the yard. I just smiled away. He kinda look at me like I was losing a few of my marbles. But how can you lose marbles when you lost them many years ago? I just nodded still smiling! He also told me that whenever the phone rings he cringes because he thinks it's me calling to tell him it's not working. I said thanks alot that makes me feel good. But I laughed and he was saying he didn't mean it that way ect. I just laughed again. What the hell can I do about it anyways. If something goes wrong it's his problem not mine. I've stress about this for over two years. On to the next! And with that there are other things that need my attention!

Some of the other stuff that's going on I can't talk about right now. But it feels good just to say that. Life has a weird way of throwing a curve ball at you. You know I'm tired of playing catch the curve ball because with catching that stupid ball stress flies into my face full force!! lol

But it seems that each time it's been thrown in the last few months I seem to be taking it better than I thought. I may think differently tomorrow but for today I feel stronger than I ever did! Maybe I'm finally growning up?! hummmmmm Don't want to do that nope!! lol
So I babbled enough for today. I will be catching up on my blog reading also this weekend. I sure do miss doing that. I also have to start on my life changes haven't had time to start any of them yet but I'm starting today when I wake up.

Anyho do you have any marbles I could borrow? I'm starting to miss the pretty color ones. They keep me amused! OOPs I think I need more than marbles to get my mind back. Oh what mind? lol


Newton! His eyes look weird in this pic but right now it's the only one I could find! He still looks cuters!


Ol' Lady said...

Hope all goes well with your septic and yard work in the better weather.
Your puppy is cute :)

Bleeding Heart said...

I LOVE your Angel picture!! I collect Angels...About your must be the metal...I would simply cover it up with scotch tape....

That way, if the dog gets loose...people who find him can still read his tags.

I did that with my cat's tags...She didn't lick it...but to be honest I forgot why I covered it with scotch tape, but I did...

Happy New year!

Cherlee's said...

I'm hope too. Thanks Ol'lady Newton says thanks for the nice comment you said about him !

Dream writr great idea about the tape on the tags never thought of that. Happy New Year to you too!
Thank you two for stopping by talk to yah laters

tiara said...

"But how can you lose marbles when you lost them many years ago?" Haha! I laughed out loud at that one. I'd let you borrow some of mine, however, they've been misplaced.

I hope Newton gets better soon. I hate to see a pet like that, they become our children. I'm pulling for him!

Take care of you. If you need to "talk" to someone about things you can't post, feel free to e-mail me. Take care!