17 Weeks!
Wow saturday Mel turned 17 weeks pregnant. Also I waiting to get a call from my in laws about my sister inlaw. She ready to give birth anytime. Also my cousin Tara is due I think in May sometime. Babies, Babies And more Babies! I love it. Mel , Al and I have gone to Walmart and set up the registry for them. Wow it was a blast taking the scanner around the babies department. It will be much easier to let everyone know what they.
Anyho this grandmommy to be is really getting excited. If you wanna someone to talk babies with yah pick me! OH pick me! These days that's one of the main reason why I'm smiling!
Sending much Hugs and Love Your way!
I'm Going to be 18 weeks in 1 more day mommy bear. I can also think of so many of my friends who are going to have babies! Wow... it must be that time of year.
I can't sleep... *SIGH* I wish you where up so I could bug you LOL! It's 3:15 in the morning and all I do is toss and turn... blahhh.
Well I guess that was enough whinning. Love you
xo xo
Melly Mel
P.S- on the first paragraph you missed a few words :)
I'm not trying to be a perfectionist or anything... I just assumed you didn't notice.
"It will be much easier to let everyone know what they."
Love yah, just thought u might want to know
That is so great! It must be so exciting to be a grandmother or Nanny whatever the baby will call you:)
Babies are fun that is for sure and more fun when they are not yours!
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