Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Wow It's Amazing!

This story is a bit mushy. lol

My daughter will be 16 weeks pregnant on Saturday. Every Saturday she another week farther alone. When she was 11 weeks pregnant Mel her boyfriend and I got to see the baby with this special ultra sound. It was one of the most precious experience I every had. It showed us a wonderful view of the little baby that was sleeping and the doc had to wake him or her up. It was so beautiful I was speechless at one point and that's surprising for me! lol

As I watch in total amazement the silent tears that I learned how to cry many years ago started to fall down my check. But these tears were tears of total happiness. Not one of those tears were tears of sadness or hurt. They were tears of pure happiness and pride. Al my daughter boyfriend and the father of the baby was sweet patted my hand and asked if I was OK as I turned my head to tell him that these tears were of happiness I notice the tears welled up in his eyes! Boy this surprised me. Most guys that I know would just sit there and act cool. I was amazed at how much he cared about the baby, my daughter and I. Then I looked over at my daughter who was going through this all of this and saw a large smile and tears rolling down her cheek. This also surprised me. My daughter doesn't cry she's to tough for that. ( She hates it now cause she cries at nothing! I told her this is normal and she gives me one of her looks and I just laugh." LOL

I said out loud " How a beautiful little baby can make the tears fall!" I still remember that day with so much emotion I feel so lucky that my daughter wanted me there to share that wonderful experience.

Then this last Friday she and I got to hear the baby's heart beat 150 BP! Well when I first heard the heartbeat for the first time in my life I was so excited I just didn't' know what to do. I got up went over to my daughter to listen better then I became so overwhelm I had to sit down. I just couldn't move I didn't let my daughter know. I think I was in real shock this time. Hearing the heartbeat made it so real to me. I was so happy and proud of my little girl. The silent tears started to flow big time I couldn't get them to stop. My daughter notice and I was so embarrassed. She said " Mom your crying". All I could get out was "Wow it's amazing". I was rubbing my eyes like I was a two year old trying to stop crying. But I decided to let them flow because for the last 4 years the stress that been keeping me in such a tight drum of unhappiness I finally let it loose! To finally feel something other than stress was so wonderful it was so strange to me. To hear this wonderful sound it was such a shock to my system it wasn't normal! To also realize my baby isn't a baby anymore was another shock to me. To actually feel something other than numb was also overwhelming. I felt so many great feelings that's day. I truly can't describe it all.

I finally stopped the tears a bit embarrassed but I felt like I was free for the first time in years.
I truly needed this since I found out that my daughter was pregnant I've been told that it's to soon for her etc. But I keep telling the people that have a negative attitude towards this TO BAD!!!! A baby is a true blessing I'm not going to make this a sad or bad thing. It's a wonderful thing and Mel can only have good blessing sent her way!! She doesn't need it and nor do I. I guess you can say I'm sorta growing up with her to.

All I want right now is for Mel to be healthy and happy. I worry everyday about her. But I know she's doing OK because she quite smoking for the baby. I am so proud of her. It was something really hard for her to do. This told me she taking care of herself. I love my daughter with all my heart and soul. Now I also have this feeling of love that is as powerful as the love I have for my daughter. It's really strange and amazing all at once. So no one not no one can take the happiness away that I felt on those 2 special days! I know there are going to be more. And I can't wait!

"As the tears fall from my eyes, I smile thinking of you even before meeting you. The love I feel is powerful to only me now. But it will soon all be your." Cherlee

Sending Much Love And Hugs Your Way!


ramblings said...

You know it says a lot that your daughter counts on you like she does, and that your so close with her. That says a lot about the way your raised her. Even though we'll be Mothers forever, and we'll always be there, it's wonderful to know that they want us in their lives. I mean, I'm completely in awe of your relationship with her, and that is a beautiful thing. I'm moved to tears, and my heart is light and happy.

There is nothing like a baby to bring happiness. Good Luck Grandma!

Ol' Lady said...

Dam that is soo sweet...babies are blessings...and grand babies are great big blessings...
Once the baby arrives you will have happiness always :)

Cherlee's said...

Thank you both so much. I've been in such a world wind of emotion these days. It's wonderful to have something so precious to make me feel alive again! I love the fact that I can share it with you it means so much to me that I can.

Anonymous said...

It's a boy!