Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Still waiting!

I went for the ultrasound but may have to wait until Mon for results. I'm not impress because the pain can be so overwhelming! But I will survive!! I am woman hear me roar! Hmmmmmmm I think there is a theme here! lol

Anyho just a little note for now. Gotta go take a pain pill. Laters
Sending much love and Hugs your way


tiara said...

Hi! Hope you're feeling better real soon. I had my gall bladder out about 14 years ago, and let me tell you it was the best thing I ever did!!!!!

Hopefully they'll figure it out soon.

Ol' Lady said...

hope your doin o.k. and that you get your tummy fixed soon...
sending good vibes your way

Bleeding Heart said...

Hope all is well and things work out for you.

Thinking about you.