The newest love of my life!!
Ty finally made it! He was born Sept 1, 2007 weighting in at 8 pound 5 oz and 21 inches long! And he's just so beautiful. I love this little boy so much it takes my breath away! I just look at him and melt. I can't keep my eyes off of him. I never thought I could love anyone one as much as my daughter but I was wrong. Ty had to be put in ICU because he had a little poop before he came out of his mommy. This causes a lot of mucus and breathing problems. He is doing great now. It brings back the past for me because Ty mom did the same to me!! Mel was in the ICU for 3 days!
Mel really impressed me. She did such a great job. She was so tired and fed up that I thought she'd give up. But she didn't she kept her cool and I look at my daughter in another light now. It scares me because I have to really let her grow up now she's a mommy now! I also didn't think I could be even more proud of her as I've been but she also proved me wrong once again! lol She did take the drugs everyone suggested and I'm so jealous because if I only knew about them 21 years ago I wouldn't of had her without anything!!
So everyone is content at this moment and very tired so I will leave you with some pictures of Nana's boy! He is the newest love of my life! I also know that Bruce would of been so proud of her. I know he's looking down full of pride like the day she was born!
Sending many hugs and much love your way
The first 5 pics are of him with his mom and dad when he is 15 mins old. The nurse didn't clean him up to well. But I love them so much!
These are the next day in ICU looking great!
Welcome to the world Tyson!!! I am very pleased to meet you :)
OOOhhhhhh Cherlee he is sooooo did you ever leave him long enough to do this post?
It was funny on the weekend at the camp, I said to Ol Man, 'I hope Mel has her baby this weekend, cause it's Labour Day Weekend and it would be kinda funny...get it? Labour Day...have a baby?' He just shook his head and said that I was warped :o
I am getting so close to finishin *** for Tyson...
Give Mel a (((BIG)))(((HUG))) from me and her hubby a smack on the back (good work) and a (((BIG)))(((HUG))) to you :)
Don't forget to give Tyson a hug and a kiss for me also.
Take care, talk to ya soon :)
What a cutie!!! Congratulations!
Hey Grandma :)
What time was Tyson born?
Hope all is well with everyone.
Thank you all I'm having the time of my life! Right now I'm taking care of Ty so his parents can get some well deserve sleep. I'm loving it! Ol' Lady he was born 2:38 am he's a night baby and I gave him so many kisses from you and myself he must be tired of me. lol
Well thanks for making me cry mother! I’m sooooo emotional lately as you know… I still can’t stop blubbering like a baby from your post lol. I was trying my best to hold back the tears until I got to the part about dad. I really do hope he's looking down on me and being proud. I know he would love Ty with all his heart. I just wish they could have had the chance to meet him. But at least we have pictures, memories and videos to show Ty of his grampy Collin when he gets older.
Thank you for sticking by my side throughout it all. If it wasn’t for you and Al I wouldn’t have done as well as I did. It’s you guy’s that made me keep my cool and keep on going until the end. I can’t thank you guys enough. I have a great mommy *hugs*
Love you soooooooooooo much
xo xo
P.S- Thanks everyone for the congrats!!!
congratulations grandma!..ya dun gud!
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