Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mel has a big Ouchie!

For the last few days Mel has had this extreme pain in the stomach. I made her finally go the hospital last night. She hasn't eaten much because every time she does it comes up and she is bent over in pain. Mel isn't one that get sick to the point she's crying and bringing up things. She couldn't keep down a pill with a little bit of water. So they think it's either Gallbladder or Kidney stones. Not sure yet she's had test after test they know she has some kind of infection and they are treating that. She seen a surgeon
and she has to go for more test in the morning. She is finally getting some rest from some great pills they gave her today.

It's treating the pain for now the pain isn't as bad. Today when I made her go back because the meds they gave her the night before did Jack Chit the doc wanted to send her home and make them work before he looks into more until I told the ass that she can't even keep the stupid pills down. Then he realized she is really is sick. Doctors just push you through emergency these days and don't give a shit. Sorry your not pushing this mom out of the hospital when her baby is in pain. So he knew I wasn't leaving until I seen some result. So he was sending for test after test. Then he finally realized she needed something for pain duh! She's not faking asshole.

It was sorta funny my mom was with us so there was three generation of ladies that don't take crap loved it!! My mommy is small but mighty but I made sure my mommy didn't have to say a word I did all the talking. I didn't have to make a scene but I had to be stern. It's a long three days. But I have to head back to bed and get some more sleep I really haven't slept that much these days and the wrinkles are really showing hahah.

I will keep you posted about Mel. If there is alot of spelling mistakes sorry I don't have time to look it over way to tired! lol Sending love and many hugs your way

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