Play pen Garbage???
If it's strange it will happen to me? lol I didn't want to write this story until it was over because it would just piss me off to much during the process and I'm trying to reduce the stress in my life! Well like that is possible but I'm trying lol
When Mel first went into the hospital I had Ty a lot upstairs with me while his daddy work. So I didn't have his crib upstairs and he had to do tummy time. I never heard of tummy time until Ty. Tummy time is making sure your baby lays on his tummy during the day so he doesn't get flat head. Because Ty sleeps on his back because these days they say it's safer. Flathead is when the baby lays to much on on side of his head and it starts to go flat. It's a problem when you have a sweet little one that favors one side of his little head like Ty. The reason I've never heard of this is because Mel slept on her tummy when she was a baby not knowing what danger it could cause. But I understand about all the problems that baby have sleeping on there tummy these days. I get it but Mel didn't have a problem with her head because she slept on her tummy. But to be on the safe side he sleeps on his back.
So I notice he was getting flat head I was freaking so I remember that Mel and I had went out to get her a playpen after he was born. That day I was lucky because my daughter from another mother came to visit my Tasha. So Tasha kept an eye on Ty while I went and dug the box out from his room and drag the sucker upstairs. As she held Ty Ty we talk about her schooling while Ty Ty sat on his Auntie Tash knee in a great mood. As I started to cut open the box where it was tape around the edge. And I remember asking the girl at Walmart the month before why it was taped. She replied " Don't worry we check all our items." Not feeling comfortable with this answer but Mel and I figured get it now because it was the last one. She was going to need it and when was the next time we would be out to get another one. So I put it in the cart and off we went.
So here we are a little while ago me opening the box and I smell this odor. A weird odor as I cut the tape off. As I open the top of the box I notice this pink fuzzy thing . As Tasha continue to tell me about her course at University I pull out this pink thing and it a freaking moldy dirty pink pillow!!! A freaking dirty moldy pillow. I say WTF out loud and notice the box really smells like garbage and pine sol and something else. So I start pulling dirty moldy clothes and stuff out. Then I stop dead there is a bottle of Javex in the middle of the box. And I'm deadly allergic to that stuff. I throw everything back in.
By this time my blood pressure is ready to hit the roof! I have been through enough shit by this time with worry about Mel and her operation and the other going on. Another story for another day. Anyways I get the phone book and call Walmart and it's Sunday so I know that it's possible that I may not get a manager. But I did and his name is Trevor and he sounded 12! I explain what happened and I told him I don't think I have the receipt. He informs me that the only way I can get another playpen is if I can either give him a receipt or If I can found out what day we purchased it on. I told him I don't know the day and I should be able to take it back for an exchange it's was their fault ect. No he had to find it in the computer what day I bought it on. To prove that we bought. I get it but hey I don't have a f@#$@3 receipt right now my daughter was in the hospital getting ready for an operation the next day! I told him never mind I will be at the store in the next day or two to deal with this! My husband suggest to get Mel's bank statement because she usely pays by debit so we get that on Friday of last week. So she went through her bank statement on the day she purchased stuff at Walmart since August first. and She purchased a lot at that store to date!
I didn't get there until yesterday with everything I finally had time so I got my Mom to take me since Mel had a appointment in town so I took it in no problem the manager was a female and she was a bit of a bitch but she understood. Gave me a gift card of the same value. I told her I don't want a gift card I just want another playpen and she said she has to do it this way I said "Thank you very much" And was on my way to get another playpen. Finding another playpen with the new sale person was a freakingventure.
He said they had none and I found one duh!!! It was right were he was looking. The reason why I found it was I pulled the boxes out and just didn't look at the ends of the boxes! Then I wanted to open it because this one was taped and he said "No I don't think so." I said listen here I just went through this before and explained very quickly what I went through and he finally let me open it. And Voila a New Playpen! I was happy
Then I wanted to take it in my cart and he argue with me that the baby in the cart may get hurt. I told him the way I was putting it the baby will be fine. Then he throws his body on top of the box and says " I can't let you take it because it may fall on the baby." Well this really pissed me off. I told him in a cool but stern voice " Do you think I would put my grandson in danger buddy!!" So then he said I will only put it in a certain way and proceeds to take my purse out of the cart to put it in! I grab the box and said this is the way I was going to do it so please move out of my way! He finally got that I was pissed and when I put the playpen in the cart and not even near Ty Ty. He said oh that it oh! Bastard! So on my way I went. phewww thinking this is over.
Mel had to do some shopping so we roamed around the store for baby items the four generation having a great time shopping in the baby dept. Mom, me, Mel and baby Ty Ty.
Mom running away with Ty and loving every minute of it. For a lady of 60 she sure can run around that store with a 15 pd baby! Yupper our little Ty weights 15 pounds! lol We were having a blast I enjoyed our shopping around the store it was so much fun.
So I get through the cash with my purchase and head for the door to leave when this not so bad looking guy stops me. I had noticed him in the last hour we had been there. Around every area we cover in the store but didn't think nothing of it. So he stops me as I leave the store and asks me If I was the one that brought the playpen to exchange and I said yes.
Then he proceeds to tell me that he was security and that he reviewed the tape at the exchanged counter and I brought back a playpen and there wasn't a playpen in it!! OH Fu@#$% Duh! WTF I proceed to tell him the story and he keeps cutting me off and keeps say there isn't a playpen in it. That he found garbage. I finally had to cut him off and tell him why! I also inform him that they needed to check there items more like he was doing with me maybe he could of caught the thief that brought the playpen back. By this time Mom was getting really annoyed with him. And said you need to get more security in here and caught the one that doing this instead of a innocent victim! He finally got the drift after 15 mins and let us leave. I also made sure that I told him about the Javex bottle that it could of put me in the hospital if I would of went near it. That they were lucky nothing happened to me.
I said to mom " If I was to put garbage in the box I would of been the dumbest thief because we stayed in the store shopping for over an hour.
And Mel was ahead of Mom and I and she purchased the playpen with the gift card along the other stuff she bought and her stuff came to over 300 hundred dollars. And Mom and I bought stuff so if we were there for their money we must really be stupid!! I'm very insulted by Walmart being treated like a criminal when they let the real thief get away with what they did! But I'm not finished yet I'm writing head office to inform them of this. Christmas is coming are they going to let this happen to some other innocent person? I don't think so not if I can help it!
So anywho this has been another adventure in the life of Cherlee! Sending many hugs and much love your way
1 comment:
Just another reason why I hate Walmart.
Just shop Zellers. The lowest price is the law.
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