Friday, December 14, 2007


Hi I noticed I let this blog go once again. I've been so busy trying to keep it all together I forgot to write. Well there were some great things that happened for once. I found 4 people that have been important in my life that I have lost contact with. People may be hating facebook but I found friends and family and it's great. One of those people is a long lost best friend! It was great we talked on the phone for 9 hours last night and it was like old times!!! She was a part of my past that I really did miss.

She help me with unanswered questions I had. It's funny I hadn't talk to her in years and I was so nervous on the phone for about a min. My shyness is what I hate but once I heard her laugh the shyness left in seconds! I also found my brother's best friend and M is so excited to talk to him. I found a childhood friend and we have been talking about old times. I sure needed this after all the sad events that have been happening over the last few years. It's nice to talk to someone that has know me forever and I don't have to be someone I'm not.

Hubby ended up going back to the old company he worked for and they welcome him with open arms. So he's back on the road and out of my hair. Money is so tight but what the hell it could be worse. I'm not going to let this ruin my Christmas with my grand baby. Tyson is growing like a weeds and getting cuter everyday! So right now I have to run and get some stuff done. So sending you all huge Hugs! And all the love you need! I've been missing you all among the hectic parts of my life!!!
p.s This is Ty and me singing Christmas songs


Ol' Lady said...

That's great that you have connected with old friends.
OMG!!! Tyson is sooooo cute :)

tiara said...

Tyson is adorable!! great pics!