Friday, February 29, 2008

Life just flew by!

Funny I haven't been on here for so long and I thought it was just yesterday! A lot has happen like another flood, septic tank problems, wiring problems, flu, ect. Sunday is Ty's Baptism and today he is 6 months old! Time sure does fly. The poor little guy has a rash all over. It's terrible he's look like he as measles or chicken pox! But it's not it's Eczema. Well everyone says he takes after me because he has such sensative skin poor baby.

I have to go to bed I know this is short but I plan on visiting everyone's blog and catch up after this weekend. Sending many hugs your way!


JLee said...

wow, you have really been through the ringer lately! I hope everything is calming down and glad to see you back. :)

Bleeding Heart said...

Hey - time does fly, doesn't it. Glad to hear that things are well and your grandson is doing fine.

Baptism - what a special day!