Sunday, July 30, 2006

I'm really not sure?

Some people have asked what happen to my Boots. And I'm not truly sure. But this is what happened that night. Boots did something out of character. Boots was a truly loving and cuddly cat but he never moved fast unless there was a sound of a can opener or a bag rattling he was as slow as a turtle. Otherwise the house could be on fire. Like last summer when we had a porch fire. He hid the firemen had to take him out. He was never in a hurry! That night I went downstairs to talk to my brother Barry who lives with me. As I went to sit down Boots came running out of nowhere and jumped on me and wanted my attention right then and there. This surprise me and my brother both.

So I gave him some loving as I was I thought wow Boots your finally looking healthy. He had been sick for a bit and was finally gaining weight. He was looking great. Then I had to let my two dogs out. I didn't notice but boots must of went out with the dogs. Boots loved the outdoors. So I stood outside with my dogs for about 5 mins and the two dogs and I came into the house. Then my daughter came home about 15 min later in a cab. She said in a quiet voice I'm not sure but there's a cat up the street that looks like Boots I'm going to go check. I told her to wait. She told me she had notice a dark spot on the street three house from our house and the cab driver had to swerve out of the way. He said something to the effect it was a cat on the road. So we walk up as we were getting close the flash light gave out. But I knew it was Boots cause all four paws were white and that was really the only thing I really saw. He was more to the side of the road not in the middle this was weird also. We live in the country and it's some dark out here. Then I went and got my brother he said he'd use the headlights so we can see.

As we slowly drove up I seen Boots and saw his back end was bleeding. I checked him for life and there wasn't any. So my daughter wrap him up in the sheet I brought to wrap him in.

I think someone hit him on the road but I was in the living room and didn't even see a car drive by. The only car I saw was the cab that brought my daughter home. So I'm really not sure what happened. To me the cab driver hit him but my daughter said no. All I know from the way his eyes were open I know he didn't suffer thank god for small favors.

At least Boots in his own way knew I guess. I was the last one that he was with and I am so thankful I got to show him I loved him. That's what I know about what happen to my sweet Boots. So he's in a better place now. I surely miss him. But I was the lucky one cause he said his goodbye to in his own way. This has helped me deal with his passing.

Anywho remember don't be afraid to let other know you love them even if you think it's will embarrass you. Don't ever feel ashamed about loving others. Even if they are afraid to say it to you. Let them know how you feel and in time they will respond in their own way. I'd rather feel embarrassed for a minute when I tell people I love them for the first time. Then see them leave this world without me telling them how I truly feel. And regret it for the rest of my life!


Ol' Lady said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. Pets in our house are part of the family and I know I would just be a mess if something happened to one of them. Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Cherlee's said...

Thanks you river I love the quote it's really nice it brought tears to my eyes but good tears!

Ol'lady Thanks you for your kind words it's so wonderful you came over the check out my blog! And thank you for stopping by also!!

And to my BB (Best Buddy)Best Friend You always make my day!
Great Poem I'm impressed! Thanks you and love yah bunches! Can't wait to see yah!!

The Lone Rangers said...

When I had to put Jasmine (my rottie) down three years back I said I'd go in strong and be strong for her. After they gave her the shot(she had bone cancer and was in alot of pain) I was hugging her, she just lifted her massive head and licked me from chin to brow.

I cried right there like a little kid.