Saturday, July 29, 2006

What Now?!

What Now?! I have to say I'm a type 2 diabetic. I take pills to control it to a point.I really don't even know what has been happening this last week with my sugar levels. . But for the last 4 days they have be between 17.1 to 20. I know stress brings your sugar levels up but not that much. So I called my bestfriend in a panic cause I really didn't eat today worried that I would bring them over 20. (Someone that's not diabetic is usually around 5-5.9. Diabetic are between 6- 8) With high sugars you can cause your kidneys,liver ect damage in time. This truly scared me. I asked her if it's possible if it's my tester. She wasn't sure but said it was possible. So she calmed me down telling me things will be ok ect. Thank god for her she's a type one. She is my diabetic help book. It seems the doctors around here don't help much when it comes to this health issue. But I will have a good talk with good old doc about this one!! Anyways she suggested to go and check my sugars with dad's tester (he's also type 2 as you can see I'm daddy's girl, shape and all!!)) lol So I went over I tested on mine before I left the house and my sugars were 17.1. I use dad's and not more than 5 mins later 7.7.

Well as you know I'm confused. So my mom's bestfriend told me to go to the pharmacy to get it checked. The phamisit was great she was so helpful. She wasn't sure if it's the test strips or the testers. So she gave me free test strips to try. This was truly amazing to me cause this wasn't even the pharmacy I deal with. Mine was closed. She told me to go home test them with my father's and mine at the same time. Well dads was fine but mine was still high. So I will go back tomorrow to get a new one. She also told me it won't cost me anything. Wow this place is great! If Sobey's didn't have airmiles I would change over to Shoppers Drug Mart in a minute!

This week has been full of surprises many not so nice but other were amazing. I sign up for a membership were there is a pool and hot tub. I went three times in four days. I love it and met some great people there. I also didn't give a hoot what people thought of my bathing suit or my body. I never went swimming in my life with only a bathing suit. It was always bathing suit t-shirt sometime with shorts also sad so sad. The only thing that bother me about the going swimming last night there was this older couple with kids. The man keep staring and when he came close to me he gave me a few looks( thank god I didn't have my glasses on couldn't see all of what he doing with his face but what I could see was enough) then he'd go under the water and stay there for a little bit! Made me uncomfortable big time. He was big time creepy!! So I stayed in the deep end with Melanie. She felt the same way!! But otherwise has a great time relaxing!

Anywho if you go to a public pool with others and see this creepy guy trying to check you out underwater. Make sure your carrying a waterproof camera and take the pervert pic I bet he'd stop in a minute or yell out as his wife come close. "Are you liking what you see big boy"!!!!!! I bet his wife would give him a once over in a flash when he surfaced!! lol

1 comment:

The Lone Rangers said...

Hope you're feeling better, take care of yourself and don't stress. You may want to get a book on meditation (there are plenty of resources online too) it REALLY helps me destress at the end of the day!