Tuesday, October 31, 2006



i just wanted to say have a fun and safe Halloweeny everyone.

I'd put a picture of myself up here but don't want to scare all of my blogger friends muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh but I was flying around the internet on my trusty broom and found a few pic's I did get a giggle out of enjoy!!!( I would of put up more but the upload image thingy wasn't working right!) I tried! lol

Halloween Horoscope for Scorpio

Halloween is your favorite holiday for scaring and shocking others.
You like to bring out your alternate persona on Halloween - and have the night of your life.

Costume suggestions: A freaky monster or prince / princess of darkness.

Signature Halloween candy: Candy cigarettes

1 comment:

Ol' Lady said...

awwwwww them is cute :)