Thursday, October 19, 2006

Why Me?Well Why Not Me Right?!

The Paypal and Ebay stuff is slowly working out as we speak. Thanks to me not those bastards! I keep contacting each seller that the hacker bought from. And guess this hacker ass made so many bids more and more keep coming in each day. So each day like clock work I spend a few hours off and on writing these sellers to let them know they won't be receiving payment. So far they have been great. The bank has recouped my husband pay. I'm thankful for that!!

My driveway has turned into a large pool cause those idiots from Bowser Constructions hasn't finished their job with the septic as always I'm still waiting. So the yard is flooding because the pile of dirt they put on my side yard is wider than it should be it's only a few feet from my garage. So the water runs off of it into my driveway. He still didn't change the shower door he was suppose to change back in Dec 05. Or replace the carpets that were destroyed from the flood back in June! What a bunch of loser. But I'm not finished with those assholes yet!

My husband decides let get some bags for the vacuum cleaner we have an eletrolux. So we drive to the store that's 50 mins away from our home to get some because he keeps forgetting to get them when he goes to work. So we arrive there and he ask how much for the bags the guy tells us the price for 12, 24. Then my husband asked if they have a bigger box and the guy says we have boxes of 100's. Whoa I told him no just get 24 for now cause a box of those last me about 2 years because I only have two carpets upstairs and downstairs they use a old one cause of the wood stove ect.

So my husband hearing me say no he goes and buy 2 filter and the box of 100 they cost for those vacuum bags and filters are $161.00. I said to him don't you think that way to much money. His comment" Well he told me I save 40 dollars and they won't go bad so there"! What the F$%^ is wrong with this picture. The sales guy was just smiling away!! Any ways the husband notice this price on the wall and asked the guy what the 89.95 was for. The guy proceeds to tell the husband that for that great price you can get a tune up for your vacuum. Well I think my husband was being this macho man or something from hell he goes well we haven't ever had it don't since we got it so why not!!!!! Well the guy's light up once again! He looks so shock that we haven't got a tune up on our machine in 8 years. Well the guy we bought it from never told us ect. Anyway my husband proceeds to make this appointment with this happy sale guy! Of course he leaves me with all the shit once again. He made an appointment with my husband that a guy was going to come and get the machine at around 11 o'clock that was the earliest he could come get it!

Well the next day I was still in bed at 9 am the phone rings and it's that guy calling asking what road was I on cause he was coming to get the vacuum. Well he found the place in 15 min took that away. That afternoon the salesman calls me to tell me a spring went on the vacuum so it will cost me 13.95 more. I asked him what the $89.95 was for then. He explained it was for the cleaning of the vacuum. I thought you can get a tune up for a car cheaper than that. WTF! Then he calls me 20 mins later telling me that I should put a extra roller on it cause I have dogs well I asked him how much this will cost. He told me this will cost me another 45 something with tax!!!!

I told him I don't think so. He gave me a lecture about the motor is going to work over time ect. 30 mins later I get a call again the sales guy is informing me that I need a new freaken motor now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was pissed by this time so I asked in a shaky voice without screaming how much nowwwwwww!!!!!!!!. He told me without the roller but with the spring and the cleaning it was going to cost me $271.00 plus tax!!!!!

I asked him what the hell is going on he told me that my vacuum must of been running funny and making noise. Since my husband told the sales guy the day before about not being seviced ever the salesman proceed to tell me this is why the motor is going on it

I never had a problem with this vac and now it's not running right. I'm so fed up with people just taking from me! I'm so sick of taking care of everyone's problems and fixing the problems that others can't deal with!

Geezzzz I only have two carpets upstairs and it get used once or twice a week. So I told him just put my vacuum together and bring it back to me if it goes it's my husband problems. So my husband set me up again. Now I know that my Vacuum isn't going to work for long cause these guys are going to do something to it so the motor will go fast. I have this feeling. So I figure it's my husband problem not mine but you know what he's always gone on the road it will be my problem once again. So I figure I'm just going to get my hubby to buy another one. He thought he spent alot of money he's going to be suprised cause I don't want that type of vac now. And we have a freaken box of 100. Why me? Hell why not right!!!!!!!!

Anywho if you need someone to help you spend your money just call the man I married over he loves throwing it around like some big spender. The more you tell the guy no he just spend more of it. Then call me over and I'll spend more of his money to replace what he's done. Oh pay back is a bitch and I'm the biggest bitch there is!!! lol


tiara said...

Hey Cherlee, sorry I haven't visited in a bit. Busy with life I guess. I can't believe the whole ebay/paypal thing! How scary is it to know that anyone can get in and use your accounts! I hope everything gets straightened out. Good luck!

By the way, can I speak to your husband please? I have a few things I would like him to buy for me. :)

ramblings said...

I'm sorry, but the whole thing is your husbands fault. Didn't he realize that with a box of a 100 damn bags, and it took you 2 yrs to use 24 of them, that your vacuum would prolly have needed to be replaced by then. I have carpet throughout my whole house, and I sweep every other day, and still can use 24 bags in 2 yrs.

Now, of course your sweeper isn't going to work right. That was a laod of shit so long, and I'm sorry he feel for it. I hope that it gets better for ya.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! What a vacuum nightmare! I would be wondering the same thing: "what are they going to do to my vacuum before I get it back?". And 100 bags...that sounds really excessive, but good for you for changing the bags so often! It really is too bad that this whole thing got started and now you're left to deal with it. I'm sure your husband meant well...he was trying to take care of the house and you, just don't understand sometimes, you know?

The Lone Rangers said...

The good thing is an electrolux lasts forever (my mom still has the one she bought in the early 70's). The bad thing is now this salesman will call you yearly.