Skank from Hell Strikes again
Well this time she sent Mel a nasty letter about all Mel wanted was her dad's money. Ect. Then she she was online MSN and part of her name was "MEL is still after your money that sick." This made Mel freak out more. So she wrote her and asked her why she was saying this and The skank replied because Mel went behind her back and called the funeral home ect. Well like I said before why the hell is she so mad she was the one that lied to Mel about telling her she didn't hear nothing from them. Then she proceed to tell Mel that her dad's Family knows about this and they don't like her anymore because she's greedy!
I told Mel if that's the way her family feels that they would take a woman who was in her father's life for over 4 years over her. Then they weren't any better than the skank. I know this will be sad for Mel if they disown her but it's for the best if they want to treat her like the skank is. I can't see all of them doing. But if they do they will miss out on Bruce's bloodline that will continue through Mel and her children. This is just sick all this shit! The money isn't what Mel wants she wants her father back. She cries about this everyday. If Mel could have her father back it means more than all the money in the world. Why is skank making about the money. Geez Mel doesn't even have it. But that's not going to happen so she just wants to get all this over with. If Bruce wanted this woman to have his policy why and hell was Mel's name on it. If it was meant for her. Because it was for his daughter's future not for the skank to go on and find another man and have a life. And she will move on like others before her. And Mel still won't have her dad.
Mel is really freaking out she's been crying over her dad's death everyday since it happened. Who the Hell does this skank think she is telling my daughter she only wanted his money. And that she didn't care about him. Funny thing is Bruce called mostly when the skank wasn't home and he would say it's was really quiet when she wasn't there. She didn't even know our phone number because Bruce had it memorized duhhhhhh! So does this sound like someone that has a clue about stuff. She has no clue about what kind of relationship Mel and Bruce had because he said it was so much easier when the skank wasn't around.
Also she told my daughter she was taking me to court because I was defrauding the government because I receive child support for my daughter when she was in school. She claimed my daughter wasn't. Well she can do what she wants I have been in contact with Child Support over the years and I have all the legal paper I need to prove that Mel was in School so whatever! Does she really know what defrauding the government means. The freaking money I received was from Bruce not the government. They just made sure he paid his support duhhhh! He paid his support the goverment didn't pay me. She said she spoke to her lawyer about this. Well if there is such a person her lawyer must be a freaking dumb ass because the only one that can say I defrauded him was Bruce. And sadly he's gone. He'd be so upset with the way she acting.
She told Mel that she will be speaking to me from Jail. What a cold hearted bitch she is. First she telling my 7 month pregnant daughter that Mel didn't love her father and all she did was use him and then she tells her, her mom's going to Jail and that she will lose me to Jail. So Mel will have no one!!! WTF is wrong with this bitch. So who has the problem. If my daughter ends up having problems with the baby she will see what I can do. I will not tolerate this bullshit. She wants to play with fire I can play the game. I will protect my daughter with all I have. She wants to deal with this I have a lawyer ready he has been informed of everything that has been going on this is harassment big time and it's affecting my daughter's health. She better back off.
There is so much I could tell her to piss her off like him cheating on her but Bruce told me in confidence. And what would it do make her crazier saying I'm lying and cause more problems for Mel it's not worth it. Funny thing was I didn't care for her as some as you know from my other post. But when Bruce died my heart went out to her. But when she lied and pulled shit I don't have a shred of sympathy for that wasted space!
So on to another day. It just never ends
Anywho sending hugs and love your way!
Love you and thanks for being my protector Momma haha.
Isn't the skank in Ontario? I'm in Ontario maybe she is not far from me and I could go pound the shit outta her...I mean talk to her :o
Do you really think we would choose Ina's side over Melanie's? Who is Ina to me? After the 7th of July, I will probably never see or speak to her again.
Ask Mel if she wants Toby. He is the only keepsake I am getting from Bruce. She has already decided that Toby is too much work for her.
I'll see if I can scoop a bandanna or a tshirt of Bruce's when I'm in Sudbury. Is there any preference? Do you want some of the ashes?
You know what is right and what is wrong. Don't let her bring you down. Be excited about the new baby instead.
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