Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year Everyone!

Wow it's been a busy few months I must say! Sometime I felt like I couldn't catch my breath. But maybe things will start to slow down a bit. But I do have a lot of doctor appointments to look into. On Jan 22 I'm having two scoops done. A little nerves about those but hey it has to be done to find out what's wrong right???! lol

I want to finally take care of myself for once. I told the crew that this New Year is the year of Improve Me! Let's see how long that will last. tehe

In the last month I had one friend find me and we talk all the time it great. She may not live close but by phone we can keep in touch it's wonderful. And another friend I found on Facebook! Wow the month of Dec was a month of surprise for me!

Christmas day I was totally overwhelmed with my gifts. Wow I was so overwhelmed that half way thur unwrapping I had to stop for a half an hour. My parents really went all out this year! Mel always goes all out for her mom! She really knows what to get me and put a huge smile on my face. Al also surprise me it was a wonderful Christmas. Hubby wasn't home but hey he really is never here anyways. You sorta just get use to it. Why get disappointed when he doesn't make an effort anyways. But anyways enough of that!

Well I'm making this very short for now because I have become very tired. I have done alot today so I thought I write a little to say Hi!

Sending many hugs your way!

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