Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I had Blast for once!

I had a blast for once. I went out on the town Sunday night yah I said Sunday!
I needed to get out of this stress hole I live in. So my BF and I went out to meet my daughter and her friend. I was the one that asked Melanie what she was doing. Of course she hemmed and hawed about doing something with her old mama! But she ended up meeting us old ladies at Dooly's the local pub in a near by town. We got there and there was about 10 people in the whole place. This was counting the bartender and her boyfriend! I'm not a drinker like when I was younger. So I had a beer before I lefted home and I was starting to feel happy. Once getting there my daughter was feeling good herself. Not much of a surprise there she started to have a few in the afternoon. She reminds me of her father sometimes!! That reminds me he called that afternoon and we had a pretty good chat without our usual fighting about stupity. Until his girlfriend came home yelling and screaming at him. Not sure what was wrong but she was ranting and raving about is it her ect. And yelling a few choice words about me or someone. Not sure what that was about but hey it's his problem not mine. I have enough of mine.

So anyways my BF was our sober driver. Thanks BF next time we are taking a cab so you can have some of the giggle juice. Like maybe this weekend! MMMMMM giggle juice. Recipe for giggle juice Beer and Clamtoe! I know it sounds gross but it's yummy!! Anyways on with my story *giggle*

Well I order a drink then sat talking to the girls for awhile then more of Melanie's friends came in. Then I started to feel a little old. Here I was with my BF, my daughter and her friends. Age range running from 17 to 43 sorry BF ummmmmmmm your only 19!! *wink* *wink* Me being 41 my daughter 20 but within a few minutes these kids really made me comfortable. I was waiting for some rudeness to start. But these kids may have been drinking but they were so polite and respectful. So unlike my daughter!! Lmao Just kidding Melanie you knew I had to say something. I was impressed with all that happened that night I even won 111.00 dollars on the poker machines. The beer sure did taste good though. I really started to feel wozzy ( is that even a word) near the end of the evening which for us young folks was 12am hehehe. I was riding high or feeling high either way I was having a great time. I took all four of us out to eat at the Big Stop after the pub closed. My BF got to tell her famous joke she had the girls almost peeing there pants. hehehe

Today I'm just getting back to being myself again. The difference in being young and drinking and me now is that it takes me a few days to get over the freaken hang over!! I only had about 6 drinks and poof I'm flying high! Years ago I would of drank double that and I had to wait for the happy feeling to happen now I drink one and wow the magic of the giggle juice takes over. I love the giggle juice but only in small doses for now.

Anywho if you need to get away why not give me a call we will all head down to the pub and order up some of that famous giggle juice talk our fool heads off. And maybe just maybe my daughter may show up and she'll teach us all the booty dance. Or BF will tell her famous joke. But for that one please wear some depends cause it can get you roaring in no time!!


Ol' Lady said...

life can be better as we age...cost less to get giggley. glad you got out and had a good time

Cherlee's said...

Thanks I think I wanna have more good times. I'm finally letting my hairs down the few I have left!!lol

The Lone Rangers said...

Sounds like it was a blast!!

Cherlee's said...

yuppers Lone it was a great time! I have to recoup from that. And I'm on the tear again! *giggle*

Cherlee's said...

Hiddy River

Been so busy with everything. I'm slowly making it back to the world that makes me happy Blog land. I've been missing my blogger friends! I'm ok just stressed out! Thanks for asking hun!