Cherlee's First Life Lesson Series!!
I been thinking lately that I would like to start something different each week to give my blog some spice. So this is what I came up with, I love the channel TLC The Learning Channel. They have this really cute thing going on with Life Lesson and they make me giggle. So I thought I'd start my own Life Lessons Series.
But I'm going to Call it Cherlee's Life Lesson of the Week! I can hear yah getting all excited about this each week. Come on I know you can't wait for it!! lol I will tell you little tales about myself, family, friends ect. It will be some kind of life lesson that I or someone else had to learn the hard way. It may give you a giggle or a awe feeling. You might not like it or you may. Please let me know what you think. If you like them you could let others know about my life lesson. If you don't enjoy them please be very gentle in letting me know k?? lol Anyways here goes my first Life Lesson for yah!!
When I was 10 and my brother Mikey was 9 ( Mikey was so ADHD he drove himself crazy thank god he doesn't even read my blog cause he'd kill me for telling the world his life lesson!). My mom bought us these cool AM/FM Portable Radio. I bet your getting jealous you didn't have one when you were young! lolAnyone thinking what the heck are AM/FM Radio's! It was a long ugly thing that had this huge antenna with only one ear piece. Plus it only had two stations. But hey it was my discman to me back in the day. OMG I thought I'd never say back in the day!
Well on with my story. Well this one morning he took a pail from the garage filled it up with water. As I was walking over to him he had this evil smile on his face. His hands were hidden behind his back. I knew he was up to something, he was always up to something. I think his mind was always on overdrive. So as I asked him what he was doing he pulls out the portable radio and shove it in my face. As he does this he says " I wonder if it still work under water. I wonder if the voices on the radio will sound like bubbles are coming out of their mouth!" He started to laugh. I couldn't undrestand why he was acting like an idiot again today. I told him he better smarten up or I was telling mom! I use to love saying that. (hehehe) Being the oldest sometimes ruled but most time sucked!
So as I was about to yell mom when my brother drops the radio in the water acting like he didn't mean to do it. All the while he had this stupid grin on his face. Finally he said " The radio doesn't work under water and lets out this loud roar of a laughter. I was getting mad at him for him acting like a ass. I said " I don't know why your laughing cause mom's coming. She going to be so mad that you drop your radio in the water." He laughed even louder. Funny thing is most of the time I didn't have to call mom. She was always one step ahead of us. With my brother Mikey I used to cover for him cause he was always in trouble. I think he spent his whole childhood grounded. We laugh about it now but then I just mainly felt sorry or annoyed when it came to him.
By this time mom's almost near us. He says "I don't care if I get in trouble cause hahahaha that was your radio I dropped in the water!" At first I was ready to beat the ever loving life out of him. But I remember he had this blue thing on his and I had a pink thing on mine. As I was about the tell him this mom was standing over us ready to brain us. My brother was still laughing away. When mom notice the radio at the bottom of the bucket! I seen my mother's head do a 360 spin that day! I kid yah not!!
Of course my mother started asking why did? As he was pleading that he didn't mean to do it. My brother was trying to tell her someone left the bucket full of water there and it was accident cause he trip or something and it fell in! He never learned cause mom was a freaken need freak Duh! So why would there be a bucket with clean water sitting on the side deck.
As he was getting grounded for the 10th time that week I went into my room a dug out my radio from my special hiding place my brother could never find. Turned it low and enjoyed the tune that was playing that day. I kept it really low cause I didn't want mom to start freaking on me cause she was angry at my brother, I wasn't taking the chance on being the next victim!!
This weeks Life Lesson:
1. Mom's,radio's, and water sure don't mix!
2. Always make sure if your going to ruin someone else's stuff be really sure it's theirs!
3. Always be one step ahead or you'll end up taking ten back and fall into the sea of hell
4. Make sure when your about to be caught run, run like hell. Don't just stand there like a freaking dumb ass!!
5. Don't laugh your ass off during laugh your ass of when your home free! Duh
6. Last but not least don't get my brother mad what you love the most he'll just drown it!
hope you enjoyed this weeks life lesson as much I had telling it!
I love life lessons!! Great blog and thanks for stopping by at mine:-)
oh man you would have fit right in with me and my cousins...we were terrors...and we would have loved having another evil little mind..
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