Monday, June 11, 2007

Many things have gone on! Whoa is all I can say!

Well since I last wrote I have seen my grandson. Still in his mommy's belly mind you! lol. He didn't want his picture taken he was not liking this done at all. He kept hidding his cute little face! These pics aren't as good as seeing it for yourself. It was a truly amazing experience. I was thankful I got to see it with my own eyes! Here are some pics of my baby! tehe

This one is a side view of his precious face.

This is his beautiful foot. It was already 5 centimeters when we this pic was taken!
When I saw his feet I saw his grandfather's feet. Mel thought the same thing. She said "Mom, his feet looks like mine and dad's feet. So he already has something of his granddad's. Bruce would of love this.

Side Veiw again. He wanted to sleep and we wanted to adore him. And we did!

He started to look our way but he was still sleeping. At least we saw his little face for about a minute until he covered his face with his hands again.

Well that's my baby. There were other pics but it seems they are hard to see. But if you look at the true pic you know how he's posing. Well that's it for now I've been working alot so I'm so tired. I have so much more to say but I have to go to bed and go to work in the morning. So I will be back to write more very soon!

Sending many hugs and Much Love your way!


Ol' Lady said...

what an exciting time for you and Mel :)
enjoy every, and the begining of life is wonderful

tiara said...


Bleeding Heart said...

That is totally awesome! So clear!

Loads of luck to the both of you :)